

About Us

Message from the Director

Hotakubo Orthopedic Hospital was opened in 1981 in the Hotakubo area of Kumamoto City.

We specialize in orthopedics and rehabilitation, but are noticing that ailments of the musculoskeletal system are beginning to become more prevalent in everyday life.Our mission is to help those around us achieve continued health and happiness in their lives.

While I understand that most people can be apprehensive about visiting a hospital,

I hope that our patients come away with a sense of satisfaction and are ultimately glad to have visited us.We strive to be the hospital our patients can trust, and continue to make an effort to contribute in the local development of medical services.

Please feel free to contact us at any time if you have any questions or concerns regarding medical treatment.


Masamichi Kono, Director

Overview of Hotakubo Orthopedic Hospital

Hotakubo Orthopedic Hospital Image

Name Medical Corporation Hotakubo-kai Hotakubo Orthopedic Hospital
Address 5-7-27 Hotakubo, Higashi-ku, Kumamoto City, Kumamoto Prefecture 862-0926
Telephone 096-381-8711
Fax 096-384-8534
Email info(at)hotakubo-seikei.com
Founded 1981
Managed by Masamichi Kono
Number of beds 39
Specialties Orthopedics, Rehabilitation, Rheumatology,
Reconstructive Surgery
  • Morning: 9AM-1PM (Front Desk 8:30AM-12:30PM)
  • Afternoon: 2PM-6PM (Front Desk 1:30PM-5:30PM)
Closed Sundays and holidays
Visiting hours 2PM-8PM on weekdays, Sundays and holidays

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